Brian remind me of VICTORIA ! My name? LOlll
Morning wanted to go eat breakfast with sebastian.w but lucky ben remind me last time that we will have POA test! i reached school quite early, went class and have test. Most of the people didn't sit for the exam. my group, only kokloong, lipchin, dylan and I. Quite suprise that lipchin did study for the test. The test wasn't that difficult, lucky morning i got study abit from yuxuan book. KokLoong is Cold and Hot toward me! after school went back home and six went meet up with JingWen. Dear Baby say will message me but in the end nothing. I bought PieKia, Chicken ham and cheese:D (Go Try) i was so hungry ah! went his place slacked, use computer and chatting with connie or andrew. I don't know why, when talking to andrew then connie love to call me. LOlll. Sjh messaged me, LAME:D twelve plus cab back home. I really feel like drinking!
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