Morning wake up at eight, switch on my phone. i have some birthday's message and one of them is Michelle Seo! i was wondering why michelle so early wake up, so i ask her what time lesson start. i reply me say 9a.m, i jump up and went to prepare myself. i cab down to school, and saw ben. i lend his note and the note really help me alot in the test! after BEO lesson ben, jiamian and brian went back home without any reason. OMG! my birthday you all EMO! :( why like that, Cheer up! after school went clementi meet benjamin, went have some walk and chat. eight plus Anna, Shihui, Andrew and Zhi Cao came! (So surprise that zhicao came.) they sing birthday song for me. i cut my birthday cake! Thank you for coming. It's Ice-cream cake from Ben and Jerry, Cookies and cream! It's nice! about nine we went to benjamin, walk to sunshine. shihui went to find mingyi and the dog. benjamin and i went there too, the dog look like benjamin's dog! reach home about ten plus.

Thank You Everyone!
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