Morning wake up, went shower. i bath with cold water, so cold! hhahahah! worker are renovating my kitchen titles and my house is full of dust! went yishun, north point wait for benjamin. bakerzia bought the coffee mini thing for michelle to eat. banjamin came and went breadtalk buy bread. i love the bread(nacho cheese), super nice. went toa payoh, michelle's place and visit her. collect song and use her mac book.
Benjamin and i went tpy walk walk, train down to somerset. the new shopping mall, 313 Somerset. the Uniqlo is full of people, go in also need to queue up and wait. i don't know what happen to me nowaday, keep walk to the wrong direction. i can't follow benjamin la! :) also went icon, wisma, fareast and went back to benjamin place.
I going back home, Good night.
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