Today early in the morning, daddy wake me up while i having a good sleep. I wake up and book cab but all the cad number is busy! First time i book taxi then the number is busy! :D So cool. so daddy went downstairs and wait for cab. after a few minutes mummy called me, asked brother to drive daddy to work. so i run downstairs and let my daddy know but he just ignore me. when my brother reach downstairs and my daddy just went off with the cab. :(( My brother was so angry but we have to bear with it. went back home and have Rice dumpling as our breakfast again. We are sick of Rice Dumpling.
Watch some show, play some game and fast rush for school. i heard that, in morning Orchard Road turned into 'Orchard River'. OMG! i was so surprise that Orchard Road Flood!
reach school, sit at the 3rd row as the 1st row already taken by my classmate. but after awhile they change place and i shift myself to the 1st row.
Break time i have a cup of Milo, so nice and hot. :D after that back to lesson, before the lesson end the lecturer go though our assignment row by row. The lecturer is funny, and i because kind of high. The cindy came to ask us what lecturer told us. My answer was Nothing? HAHA! The lecturer like the assignment of the guy that sit behind me. then after the lecturer us him paper as sample, make me have to wait for his paper. awhile some people came to ask for his number and, give him our email to ask him to send us the assignment. It's Freaking Cool ! My partner ask me what i so High today? i was like, don't know? The most happening school day!
After school i went to west mall and meet my mummy. My mummy was late, make me wait for so long. i talking on phone with michelle, told and asked her some stupid stuff. went to Hello Singtel, tell the customer service person that my SIM card been lock so i need a replace. Finally my mummy reach and give the customer service person whatever he need to make a replace of my card. He introduce us that upstair have nice food as i keep asking my mummy to treat me eat because she is late for so long. mummy reply me said, you the one should treat me and i have nothing say.
The customer service person give me my New SIM card but need one working day so i asked his when it can be use. He reply me, I don know and i was like you don't know then how know? We went off to Koufu as my mummy the food there is cheap but when we reach there look like but taste not nice. we have some junks food before we went back home.
Ps.Wow, it's a long winded post! :D