i went school as per normal, think i abit late. before ten o'clock then fire alarm and walk down to the car park there. stand for awhile and went back to class, BEG lesson ah! quite bored. lunch break i eat many thing. Beo lesson we have over question question to do, it all done by us. thankyou for the tarts. Lfs lesson, i eat potota chip while playing dota. OMG! it's hard to play like that. KC Wong asked me to let him play so i pass it to him. i become very bored already. four, benjamin come my school and went to kovan. collected my pay and went Hong Kong Cafe have our dinner as i have the coupon(one for one main course). so up end we pay about 18 buck. wow, not bad la! i bought durian strudel for mummy. tomorrow then i eat those tart :)
i guess you don know what i thinking.
maybe it's change, but i won't forget the promise.
i guess i think and i choose.
sorry that i say too much, i shouldn't say those thing.
^ many part la!

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