i reach school and wait for ferline and ferlicia to do our ETP duty. went to do the ETP duty, sales was good. ben trying to be funny, he lend me a psp without any battery! ETP duty end at twenlve plus, wait for the bus to drive us to Simei ITE for Career Fair. i love the ipod games! nice nice. went there and saw/met gary, andrew, zhicao, shihui, kenny. two plus, we(ferline, ferlicia, brian, xinfa, haoyao, javin, yuehao, dlyan.)went to Orchard Central . while we on the trian we played true or dare using ipod application. :) fun. brian went for the interview and we went walk around OC. the escalator is nice la, high and long distance! after the interview we walk down to icon's burger king. shop around Icon and Wisma. said some joke with them! (FUN). seven plus they all went off first. brian, yuehan and i took bus but yuehan went down one stop after us. brian and i went to meet michelle and weijie(one year plus didn't saw him already). went acarde and Carrefour to buy mineral water. weijie buy the mineral water which look like nipple. we all laugh like hell! nine plus we went to catch a movie called '2012'. It's nice and scary! :) i told them no more trian already but they keep saying still got trian. ran there and realise no more trian already. then went separate place. :) nice one, thank you hoodie !
ey..I do think I'm the first person to comment on this blog.....lol...just want to say ur very active in your blog and you're cute! :)