today i take bus to school to school and i late wake up. that why i'm late for school. thank for your egg tart! have until twelve and have lunch break. one o'clock went to Singapore Flyer as a class for some bonding. First time sitting in the singapore flyer. the singapore flyer wasn't that fun. after that we wanted to take shuttles bus but some thing happen. so we(ferline, ferlicia, ben, brian, xinfa, hanyao, javin, yuehan) walk down to Marina square, suki sushi. we sit that eat, rest, play and eat again until six. went topman and we saw jasline.co. after that ben went missing and i feel so bad! Then like that lo! i'm so sorry! at least i make the effort to pass it to your mum! reach home about eight thirty! I'm tired now, good night!

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