Friday 09 October 2009 :)

Morning wake up, brother drive mummy, connie, naomi and i to Changi Airport Terminal 1. went there and have my breakfast, i left some empty space for the cheese cake which brian bake for jasline's advance birthday. i cut the cheese cake for them, and we(they) took many picture too. ten plus went up to the plane(Cathay Pacific, have our lunch at the aeroplane. took picture and watch show, totally no feel to sleep! about three we reach hongkong. First we went to the Ladies's street, i forget some of the place we went. have dinner at a restaurant, too picture again. went victoria Peak with a one way tram up, only ben, brian, (don know what name) and i went to the top there. Very cooling over there. Proceed to the Avenue of star and view Symphony of Lights. went back to the hotel in Hongkong called Empire Hotel, Causeway Bay. After shower we all went to the guy(Brian, Ben, Lipchin and Kokloong) room. slack over there and play some card games. before went to the guy's room we went Jasline's room, slack there and say happy birthday to her!

Saturday 10 October 2009
Happy Birthday to Jasline Tan! 

Breakfast at a dim sum restaurant, omg the service damn suck la! Like the whole world owe her thing! i forget where we go first already so i just say where we went. HongKong History Museum, Visiting the Jewellery Factory, Duty free shops, Golden Bauhinia Square. i really can't remember some of the place already. i bought mummy a bracelet. while we shopping, bought a bottle of vodka and drink. before lunch we bought a cake for Jasline's birthday. we suddenly pop out the cake and she was quite touched. it's strawberry chocolate cake. same as yesterday went the Guy's room slack. we did bought some snack and dessert. Nice ah! Also drink some heniken, laugh.

Sunday 11 October 2009
Ben pass me the bread, i eat half of it before i eat the breakfast. went to a dim sum restaurant to have our breakfast again. after that went to Hong Kong Disney Land. Start with three hour of Hong Kong Disney YES(Youth Education Series) Program. went sit the Roller Coaster, and sit the boat to see (don't know what thing). No feel to see. after the three hour program, went to have our Lunch. the dish is always seem to be the same one, comfirm got egg and soup one. after the lunch we went to the Haunted house, OMG it's scary and fun. Walk first is better la. A long journey at the Huanted house. after that some thing happen. Disney Land totally have three huanted house. after the first huanted house only Ben, Brain, Lip Chin, kokloong, Jasline and i went to another two huanted house only. Still feel sad nv go sit the Tea Cup! :( went to the main street sweet there to bought chocolate, cookies and a shirt for kokloong birthday(i share it with jasline). twenlve we sing birthday day song for him and give them the present we bought for him.

Monday 12 October 2009
Happy Birthday To SoonKokLoong!
Morning eat the bread that ben bought for me yesterday. before went to a cafe and have our breakfast, we packed our luggage. after breakfast went Wholesale shop. lunch time, jiamian and i run to a cake shop and bought kokloong a bear cake. surprise! it's cute and nice. then went Ladies' street, shop shop around. i bought chocolate pie and eat. ben have a kind heart to accompany me! HAHA! at hongkong there i bought the peninsula,chocolate. after that i forget to take it back from ben! reach Changi Airport about twelve, pass ben the key chain. straight back home :)