Last night, i just want to say sorry to Lkh. ***!I"M REALLY SORRY! I really don't know!
Morning wake up but don' feel like leaving my bed. i meet michelle at school, we thought we were late but no teacher in class at all! Only 15 people in my class attend school today! Michelle and I was like, What the point we come to school. twelve plus teacher release us, as other class till staying at school celebrate teachers' day! went take bus 188 back home and prepare myself. two plus meet anna and andrew at choachukang control station. we went town, LIDO and watch The Final Destination 4 in 3D! Cool, it's damn gross and NICE NICE NICE! I do love it :) after that walk walk around town. went icon too but not didn't walk much over there. I want my Mark and Spencer, Cheese stick! seven plus, anna can eat her dinner so went McDonald eat. After our dinner we went find anna's mum and cab. anna drop me down at a bus stop that near my house i take bus back home. reach home and have my shower, ten plus start to use my computer. Tomorrow going to meet Mr Tan ST, my secondary school form teacher:)